Weight steadily dropping, now at 77kg I think. Mornings are quite hectic at times so don’t always remember to take or upload pic. Very very depressed for a few weeks, since i got on NDIS ironically. So much going on in my mind, only a small part of which i manage to convey to those around me, also every day

Due to an unexpectedly rapidly deteriorating of R. van der Draay’s condition, DHM regrets the decision to at least delay any scheduled or mooted significant moves, investment consultations and the need to avoid any aspect of the editor’s dream to leave behind something of note behind along the lines of showcasing promising developments in the fields of telco and tech,

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Thank you to DilanThampapillai @TheDSingularity for throwing caution to the wind and publicly following Muggins on Twitter. Much appreciated, brave Sir Dilan. Fortune favours the Brave!